Micro Projects

An Urban Dérive

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Micro Project: An Urban Dérive – Overground on the London Underground – click ‘read more’ above to view. Micro Project outline: In pairs set a short creative brief taking inspiration from this weeks topics.
I paired with Howard Pratt his brief was as follows:
Micro project with a two hour limit. Using the psychogeography/derive and the London Underground map, choose a local station and follow on foot the route to the next three stations along the same line.

Week 4 Collaboration

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Week 4 Activity: Micro Project

The Journey

Collaboration withRob Jones, Howard Pratt & Mick Yates

Read the input from us all here Week 4 – TheJourneyComplete-Collaboration

My Part of the Micro Project:
The start of this journey was with a Henry Miller quote: “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Reflecting on ‘The Journey’ as a subject for collaboration it was necessary to step out of my own rhythm &