CATEGORIES: Positions & Practice Week 5 PP

Power and Responsibility

“Within most areas of photography, there exists a kind of moral ‘triangle’, which expresses the interconnected relationship between the ‘subject’ of the image, its ‘audience’, and of course the photographer, ‘image maker’, or perhaps more broadly, the ‘author’. This is broadly in line with Susan Bright’s “triangle of the relationship between the sitter, photographer and spectator” in relation to portrait photography. See: Bright, S. (2005) Art Photography Now. London: Thames & Hudson.”

-The Subject
-The Audience
-The Image Makers or Authors

Towards an ethical practice

My personal responsibility is to photograph with integrity, to be respectful & honest & in alignment with current ethical practices.

I am answerable firstly to myself, to consider my message & my subject. I must also give due consideration to the brief if from a client. To produce work with my own signature, fit for purpose to a high standard.

As an image maker, I am responsible for my own brand, or if following a brief, to bring my brand to the project & within the above parameters.
I am also responsible, with best possible controls, to manage where & how my images are used in the final context.

Work in Progress Portfolio

Research Project Proposal 

Oral Presentation