
An Urban Dérive

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Micro Project: An Urban Dérive – Overground on the London Underground – click ‘read more’ above to view. Micro Project outline: In pairs set a short creative brief taking inspiration from this weeks topics.
I paired with Howard Pratt his brief was as follows:
Micro project with a two hour limit. Using the psychogeography/derive and the London Underground map, choose a local station and follow on foot the route to the next three stations along the same line.

Week 7: Reflection

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Spend a few moments looking back at your contributions on this week’s forums, and those of your peers, as well as your notes from the presentations, further reading and other independent research.

Consider the concepts and ideas discussed:

  • What has challenged you?
  • What has surprised you?
  • What do you feel you have learned?

Write a reflective account of the Peer Commissioned Micro Project.

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Week 7 Forum: Faux Pas

Post an image to the forum that you think is an example of a good use of a photographic faux pas or ‘mistake’. That is; despite (or perhaps in spite) of its apparent failure, you think it is actually creative or interesting. This could be your own image, or anyone else’s. Write a sentence or two explaining how it breaks rules in photography,

Week 5 Reflection

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Power and Responsibility

“Within most areas of photography, there exists a kind of moral ‘triangle’, which expresses the interconnected relationship between the ‘subject’ of the image, its ‘audience’, and of course the photographer, ‘image maker’, or perhaps more broadly, the ‘author’. This is broadly in line with Susan Bright’s “triangle of the relationship between the sitter, photographer and spectator” in relation to portrait photography. See: Bright, S. (2005) Art Photography Now.

Week 5 Power & Responsibility

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In response to the following article regarding photojournalist Jeff Mitchell’s image of refugees crossing from Croatia to Slovenia in October 2015, which was used controversially by the UK Independent Party during the 2016 referendum campaign to leave the European Union. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

“A picture is worth 1,000 words.” Herein lies the debate.

Michael Cook – through my eyes

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The series asks the viewer to rethink the way they view history. We are asked to see these significant Australian faces through someone else’s perspective, through Aboriginal eyes.

By overlaying Aboriginal faces, with focus on the eyes, the viewer is asked to consider history with a better understanding of its meaning.

B-grade movie aesthetic
Alien invasion
lazer girls
prolific sci movie &